Next Steps

Are you ready to implement AVID Summer Bridge in your district? Follow the steps below to get started. Contact if you have any questions!

  1. Complete and submit the AVID Agreement portal form.
    • Submit at least 8 weeks prior to implementation.
    • Contact the District Director for portal completion.
    • Summer Bridge contract can be a separate contract or combined with district implementation contract.
  2. Contract will be sent out for signature within 2 weeks of portal form submission to the Contract Contact.
  3. Sign and return the contract.
  4. Complete and submit the AVID Agreement portal form.
    • Curriculum materials and services will not be released until AVID Center has received both signed contract and PO or payment.
  5. Upon completion of the contract and payment, eLearning access will be granted and/or curriculum and print materials will be shipped to the district.