Extended Experiences Questions

Sign-ups for AVID Summer Institute (SI) Extended Experiences

Sign-up for AVID Summer Institute Extended Experiences is only available to AVID partners registered for one of our three-day Summer Institute Communities of Practice. Sign-ups will be available via MyAVID until spaces are filled in each city. Space is limited, and these experiences are first come, first served.

When will SI Extended Experiences take place?

SI Extended Experiences will take place on Day 2 and as early as 5 pm, local time, and will not exceed two hours unless specifically noted.

When can I sign up?

Sign-ups will open on April 16, 2025, for partners who registered for Summer Institute by February 11, 2025. Sign-ups will open for all other registered partners on April 18, 2025. Early sign-up is encouraged to ensure you have access to your top SI Extended Experience choice(s). Space is limited, and these experiences are first come, first served.

How many SI Extended Experiences may I sign up to attend?

Each SI registrant is permitted to sign up for one Extended Experience only. This ensures participation opportunities for all interested registered partners.

May I sign up my whole group at one time for the same experience?

Each SI registrant must sign up individually for SI Extended Experiences. We highly recommend that teams choose the same activity to bond and network with one another and other AVID educators.

Will I receive confirmation after I sign up?

You will receive a confirmation email for your SI Extended Experience at the email address you use to log into MyAVID. All communications will be sent to this email, so please ensure it is accessible year-round and doesn’t block AVID messages. Check your spam folder if you do not see a confirmation.

How do I cancel an SI Extended Experience enrollment?

Each registrant may choose one Extended Experience per person. If you desire to cancel your selection, you may do so in MyAVID where you signed up. If you are no longer able to attend the Summer Institute you originally registered for, canceling your SI registration will also automatically cancel your SI Extended Experience registration.

How do I swap to another SI Extended Experience?

You can swap into another SI Extended Experience when the green check mark is visible for that experience. Once an SI Extended Experience reaches capacity, the green check mark will no longer appear, indicating the experience is unavailable for swaps.

View the AVID Event Registration Help Resources for more information about changing, swapping, and canceling SI Extended Experiences sign-ups.

Can I bring a guest to a Summer Institute Extended Experience?

This opportunity is exclusively for AVID Summer Institute registrants who sign up for an Extended Experience. On-site activities are limited to SI registrants with Extended Experience sign-ups only. Additional guests can join off-site activities at your own cost and responsibility, subject to space availability.

Will there be credit available for SI Extended Experiences?

This optional opportunity is for team building and networking with AVID educators. It’s free, so no credit is applicable.