AVID Area Director, Program Support

image of Patrick Briggs

Patrick is a dedicated educator with over a third of a century of experience in teaching and administration. He strongly believes that any perceived achievement gaps can be addressed by closing the opportunity and expectation gaps through collaborative efforts of adults. Patrick’s passion lies in helping all students achieve at high levels, and he firmly advocates for preparing them to be college and career-ready after completing high school.


Patrick Briggs currently serves as the Northeast Area Director for AVID, having previously held the position of Southern Area Director. Prior to his tenure at AVID, Patrick spent 15 years working as an educator and administrator in Texas. Patrick is passionate about ensuring that all students achieve high levels of academic success, thereby enabling them to be prepared for college and career opportunities after completing high school. He firmly advocates for providing high-quality education to all students, empowering them to make informed choices that will lead to success in college, career, and life. With his extensive experience and captivating stage presence, Patrick shares a wealth of knowledge and inspiring stories with fellow educators who aspire to make a meaningful impact in their classrooms.

“We change the trajectory of the lives of children who have not been born yet. You as a teacher have that much power!”

— Patrick H. Briggs

Audiences: Educators


  • Access and opportunity
  • Rigorous academic preparation
  • Student agency
  • Equity
  • Teaching and learning
  • Instructional strategies and practices
  • Motivation
  • Leadership

Past Speaking Engagements:

  • McAllen Independent School District in Texas
  • Pasco School District in Washington
  • Champaign Unit 4 Schools in Illinois
  • Richland School District 2 in South Carolina
  • College of Education at The University of Utah


  • Bachelor of Science in Biology, Prairie View A&M University
  • Master of Education in Educational Administration, Prairie View A&M University
image of Patrick Briggs
image of Patrick Briggs
image of Patrick Briggs