Louis Salerno is AVID’s first General Counsel, officially stepping into this role in October 2023. As such, Louis will meet AVID’s growing needs and program expansion envisioned by its Board of Directors and CEO.

Louis brings to AVID more than 30 years of experience in law. He started his career as an Assistant Attorney General, where he litigated civil rights cases on behalf of the government in Federal Court. Louis then spent 23 years in Washington, D.C., as an attorney for not-for-profit organizations, government contractors, and clients with commercial transactions. Most recently, Louis has been General Counsel for Guardian Asset Management, building a strong reputation in the housing industry.

Louis was raised in New York City, in a household that placed a premium on volunteerism and education. As a parent, Louis realizes that so much of our lives consist of getting our kids to try new things, teaching them lessons, and setting them up for future success. The most wonderful thing we can give our children is choices—the freedom to decide what to do with the life they are given. However, in many households, those choices can disappear. The work that AVID does brings those choices back into focus.

Louis attended The Lawrenceville School in New Jersey and then Boston University, where he earned a BA in Psychology and a Juris Doctor from the Villanova University School of Law.

In addition to his work, Louis serves on the board of the Taos Center for the Arts in Taos, New Mexico, and the Knickerbocker Lofts Condominium Association in New Rochelle, New York, where he resides with his wife, Michelle, and their dog, Archie.

Louis enjoys travel, cooking, skiing, sports cars, and motorcycles.

image of Louis Salerno

Louis Salerno