image of AVID graduates walking through campus

How Effectively are You Driving Student Success?

Educational leaders play a pivotal role in the successful implementation of AVID and are the primary catalysts in establishing an environment that fosters academic resilience and encourages students to strive for excellence. They ensure that AVID’s principles align with and support the school’s goals and initiatives by promoting a culture of high expectations and rigorous academic preparedness. Through their commitment to continuous improvement, leaders can empower educators and strengthen the collective educator agency needed to ensure college and career readiness for all students.

Explore the ways AVID supports site and district leaders below.

Site Leaders

Strategic Leadership for College and Career Readiness

This Community of Practice is designed to engage teams of three or more members of district- and school-based leadership in creating a strong infrastructure to lead change to support college and career readiness for all students.

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Strategic Leadership for College and Career Readiness 2

This Community of Practice continues exploration into the four domains of AVID Schoolwide (Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture). These individual one-day workshops are designed to reinforce ongoing plans and provide momentum toward creating a thriving college- and career-ready culture for all stakeholders.

Details and Registration Information Coming Soon!

District Leaders

Districtwide Strategic Planning

Districtwide Strategic Planning is designed for district teams who want to enhance and refine their AVID College and Career Readiness System (ACRS) for all students districtwide. This four-part experience helps ensure that AVID supports the success of districts in achieving their strategic plan goals through infusing AVID into their district systems and infrastructures.

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National Supervisor of Principals Academy

This unique and timely opportunity is perfect for district supervisors of principals to grow in their personal practice and to network with leaders from across the country. Participants will strengthen their ability to support site principals in developing strong systems of culture; ensuring equitable instructional opportunities for all students, and building a strong pipeline of future principals.

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National Instructional Leader Academy

The National Instructional Leader Academy was developed by AASA and AVID as a timely opportunity for district instructional leaders to be refreshed and challenged in leadership skills and knowledge by looking through the lens of instruction, culture, and systems as they continue to grow as impactful leaders.

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AVID Leadership Roles

District Director

AVID District Directors are district-based leaders responsible for the vision, culture, and districtwide decision-making.

District Leader

AVID District Leaders are directly responsible for implementing and operationalizing districtwide decisions.

Site Administrator

AVID Site Administrators are directly responsible for implementing and operationalizing schoolwide decisions.

Site Coordinator

AVID Site Coordinators are school-based leaders responsible for the vision, culture, and schoolwide decision-making.

Site Team

AVID Site Teams are a site-based team of administrators, the AVID site coordinator, counselors, teachers, and others who work together to close opportunity gaps and provide college and career readiness for all students by implementing and sustaining AVID across their school site.

AVID Leadership PL Journey poster