AVID’s Exciting Innovations for 2025
AVID Center is dedicated to staying ahead of current and future educational trends.
We actively listen to your feedback and use it to drive groundbreaking innovations in teaching, learning, and achievement. This page offers links to exciting new student resources, educator learning tools, and program quality enhancements that support AVID’s College and Career Readiness Framework.
What Students Need
Rigorous Academic
AVID Instructional AI enhances critical thinking and writing skills through instant feedback on discussions and essays, allowing teachers to prioritize feedback on students’ ideas.
- AVID Creator Planet: Cultivate durable skills with lesson plans that foster critical thinking and collaboration.
- Alumni Stories
- AVIDly Adulting Podcast: We share the wild ride of transitioning into the first career and all of the life lessons in between and beyond.
- New book with Alumni stories and lessons incorporated into AVID Elective. Coming 2025
- Virtual Platform for college and career exploration featuring AVID Alumni. Coming 2025
Offering a new suite of SOLE Effects lessons with tools to support leadership and well-being in 7th and 10th grade AVID Elective Weeks at a Glance.
What Educators Do
Foundational Communities of Practice
AVID Emerge: Language acquisition for ELD students
AVID Certified Educators
Coaching and Certification
Instrument (CCI)
AVID created the Coaching and Certification Instrument nearly a decade ago, and we are now updating the instrument so it captures what we’ve learned from our partners and our research on AVID implementation and impact. The new Instrument will contain two parts: one for certifying the AVID/Excel Elective and one for recognizing Schoolwide impact. A coaching tool with questions and resources embedded for each indicator is also a part of the revision. The new and improved instrument will be rolled out for the 2025–2026 school year.
Sign up for the pilot by December 17. Pilot runs January 6–31, 2025.
We have heard you and we are excited to announce the AVID website and MyAVID will be going through a major redesign to better support our partners needs. One of the most important features will be the addition of a robust search function allowing partners to quickly and efficiently gain access to resources they need. first round of products that will be released June 1st in our new user interface. Products that will be available include the following:
- AVID Weeks at a Glance Units for the AVID Elective
- AVID Emerge
- AVID Advisory for Secondary
- Refinements to the new Professional Learning Guide
- Common Core Strategy Pages
- Digital Planning Guides for AVID Excel
AVID Open Access
AVID Open Access is regularly updated with free curated resources on relevant and timely topics.